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SustainAll is an Erasmus+ Project with partners in Austria, Germany, Portugal and Norway. The aim of the project is to support All-day schools in developing a curriculum as well as day-to-day practices, which foster sustainability education and make an impact toward climate stability. The project endorses the whole-school approach, integrating ESD / transformative education in a holistic manner. In order to reach this goal, the project will learn from existing good-practice examples.

SustainAll Schnittmengengrafik
The three pillars of sustainable developement form their intersection in the A of SustainAll.

Based on these examples, which will be researched through case studies, the project aims at fostering the transformation towards sustainability education and practices by developing in-service training modules for All-Day schools wishing to adapt their programme towards ESD and transformative learning and to change their school policy in accordance with the whole-institution approach.

The project is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Two case studies in All-Day schools, which are engaged in education for sustainable development and transformative education, will be conducted in each project country.
  2. The results will then be used to create teacher-training modules and materials. The development of these will follow an Educational-Design research approach based on researcher-practitioner-design hubs.
  3. Following the development of the course, each partner will conduct one pilot course in their own country, inviting 20 teachers to take part. The course will be evaluated by the participating teachers and revised accordingly. The revised course as well as the other project results will be presented at a final conference.

The project is funded by the European Commission in the Erasmus+ programme.